The Secret to Male Multiple Orgasms and other sex skills

13. December 2008

Most men don´t know, that they too can have multiple orgasms just like women. This fun-to-read workbook explains how EVERY man can learn to maintain his erection after the first orgasm, and to have several more orgasms on top of that.

€ 14,80
978-3-00-026971-4 | ca. 142 Seiten
Erhältlich bei:
amazon Shop Kindle

„The Secret to Male Muliple Orgasms“ is a complete training program. Step by step you will learn how to boost your sex-life to the next level. Learn…
…to expand the orgasm over the whole body.
…to use your sexual energy more efficiently.
…to control your body better and get to know new pleasure points.
…to avoid premature ejaculation.
…to maintain your erection after the orgasm.
…to experience several full-body-orgasm
…additional sex skills and become the lover of her dreams

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